
You are Love itself

If I told you that you are made of LOVE, not merely flesh and blood, would you believe me?

Would you really believe my words?

Throughout more than a decade of working with people from all paths of life, I've realized we all have a longing for love and connection.

Even when we have beautiful people in our lives, there's this desire of deepening our relationships.

And there is a very simple way of doing this, so simple, that it often gets forgotten.

It is through the realization that you ARE love itself.

Love is the substance you're made of, it isn't something you need to give in order to receive, it isn’t a goal to attain.

And to embody this love all you need to do is to let it express itself, let it flow through you.

By doing so, your aura will be filled with the love that is YOU, and everything and everyone around you will FEEL it. Resulting in the effortless deepening of your relationships and your self-love.

But how? I hear you asking…

🌼 Tune in with your body, close your outer eye and just listen to your heartbeat, listen to your breathing.

🌼 Appreciate how every cell in your body knows what it has to do without you commanding it.

🌼 Realize how you don’t need to make an effort to be in this human existence.

🌼 Feel into the tone of gratitude for all there is in and around you.

You are a ✨Magical Miracle✨ and miracles are made of love.

With Love,



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