Discovering True Freedom
Have you ever heard the story of Viktor Frankl?
Viktor Frankl was an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, philosopher, author, and Holocaust survivor.
Viktor spent 3 years in different concentration camps and during this time he saw his mother, father, brother and wife die out of starvation, disease and in gas chambers. His food, his clothes, his work, his dignity, everything was taken away from him, except for one thing:
After his liberation he wrote the famously known book: “Man’s search for meaning” and he promised he would teach people what true freedom really was. And he did so.
Frankl also developed a therapy called logotherapy, through which he taught the concepts of the desire to find a meaning in life and free will. And to this day, this therapy still helps people with PTSD.
But why am I telling you about Viktor Frankl?
Well, because sometimes we need to be reminded that no matter the problem, no matter the challenge life ‘throws’ at you, no matter the circumstances, you will always have the freedom to choose how you respond to life.
Nothing and no one can ever take your freedom away from you.
So what are you doing with that gift, with your freedom?
Stop for a second and think about this.
Sometimes we forget that we are free to choose our actions, free to decide how we want to use our time, free to serve the world in ways only we are capable of.
You have one of life’s most precious gifts and having that awareness is the first step to creating an amazing life.
Use it wisely and lovingly.
With love,
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